Terms of Service


The information on this website is published for informational purposes only. This website does not create an attorney-client or contractual relationship or provide legal advice or opinions or investment advice. By using this website you agree to these Terms of Service and acknowledge that nothing contained in this website shall constitute financial, investment, legal and/or other professional advice, and that no professional or contractual relationship of any kind is created between you and Gross Polowy LLC or its attorneys or employees. If you disagree then do not use the website.

Gross Polowy LLC does not provide bid amounts or information about properties being foreclosed, or make any representations or warranties with respect to the state of title, lien position, occupancy, physical characteristics, or the condition of any property listed herein.  Please do not contact us requesting this information.

Gross Polowy LLC makes no representations or warranties with respect to accuracy or completeness of the information set forth herein, including, but not limited to, the dates, times, and locations of upcoming foreclosure sales. Legal advertisements contained in the newspapers constitute statutorily required publication and nothing on this website modifies or nullifies those publications in any way.

We reserve the right to cancel, postpone, or reschedule any sale without further announcement on this website. All information on this website is subject to change without notice and the schedule of sales may not be current or accurate. Foreclosure sales may also occur on properties that are not listed on this website.

Use of this website or any of its information is at your own risk. Gross Polowy LLC shall have no liability to any user of this website. By using this website you agree that Gross Polowy LLC is not liable for damages of any kind as a result of an error or inaccuracy, or for any other reason, including loss of revenue or income, lost profits, investment, savings, or incidental or consequential damages arising out of your viewing, reliance, or use of the information on the website.

By agreeing to these Terms of Service and use of the website, you agree that neither you nor your agents will engage in unwanted communication or harass current owners or occupants of listed properties, or trespass on listed properties.

You may only use this website for your own personal and business purposes, and agree that you will not use the information on this website for any other purposes. The use of the information contained in this website for any commercial resale or distribution purpose is strictly prohibited. Information obtained from this website may not be downloaded, copied, published, transmitted, transferred, or sold to a third party without specific written authorization of Gross Polowy LLC.

You should always review the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, Terms of Sale and Notice of Sale for each property you are interested in. Sales are conducted in accordance with the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale and Terms of Sale. These documents are publically available. Please do not contact Gross Polowy LLC for copies of these documents.
Please do not contact us for the bid amount. It will not be provided to you.

If you have any questions about the foreclosure sale process you must retain your own attorney.

To view the foreclosure sale information you must agree to these Terms of Service.
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All right, title and interest in and to the information provided on this website are the exclusive property of Gross Polowy LLC. Gross Polowy LLC reserves the right to discontinue the Foreclosure Listings section of the website or any other feature of this website at any time.

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