Great Point by Gross Polowy: Year in Review

2022 Great Point Year in Review

Friends, we can hardly believe it is time to conclude the first year of “Great Point: An Educational Series by Gross Polowy”.

The 2022 Great Point Educational Series published educational content on important topics, aiming to raise the collective bar in New York and New Jersey on matters of interest which face our clients. A quick peek at the 2022 series recap reflects work we are quite proud of, and we are happy to resend copies of any volumes you might have missed.

Our 2023 Great Point series is underway, with topics aligned to what will be an exciting year in our jurisdictions of New York and New Jersey.  That said, we want to hear from our readers!

How can we better serve you in 2023? Are there lingering issues which we can shed light on? Is there anything perplexing your New York and New Jersey teams? We’d like to write on it!

Please contact Reyna Joyner, our Director of Client Relations by email at: to start a dialogue and submit your ideas. Thank you for making 2022 so special for us.

From all of us at Gross Polowy



A Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale is Not a Money Judgment

“The purpose of this law is to avoid multiple lawsuits to recover the same mortgage/note debt, and prohibit a party from seeking both alternative reliefs within the same action.”

In his recent article, “A Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale is Not a Money Judgment” Douglas Weinert, Senior Attorney, Risk Management opines with precision and clarity. His article is now published in the late fall edition of the ALFN ANGLE: The Foreclosure Issue.

To request a copy, please contact Reyna Joyner, our Director of Client Relations at: